1.   Education for Gifted Students is intended to stimulate interest in gifted and talented education and to encourage widespread participation in developing it.

2.   In order to stimulate local interest and to attract more members, a revision of the constitution allowed the formation of Regional Councils.

3.   Such questions will often generate discussion among the students generally and thus provide a useful means of stimulating their interest.

4.   The film, although hammy in places, will certainly stimulate interest in engineering among school leavers.

5.   This has stimulated hotel interest in the development of leisure centres.

6.   Big arguments stimulate their interest,and with luck engage their absorbed attention.

7.   Interest would be stimulated among those not directly involved with the test.

8.   The workshop has stimulated interest in the whole area of organisational development and change.

9.   As we shall see, it was these deteriorating labour market conditions that stimulated renewed interest in the development of an active European Social Policy.

10.   To stimulate interest in simple surveying and engineering, and to give the children opportunities to develop skills related to these areas.

v. + interest >>共 475
have 15.41%
express 13.44%
show 9.06%
lose 3.54%
pay 2.79%
protect 2.16%
take 2.12%
attract 2.03%
represent 1.77%
draw 1.60%
stimulate 0.45%
stimulate + n. >>共 392
economy 22.82%
growth 14.79%
demand 6.45%
production 4.79%
investment 2.60%
interest 2.41%
sale 2.34%
activity 1.81%
development 1.51%
competition 1.17%
每页显示:    共 64