1.   Both vehicles have been redesigned with new stiffer bodies.

2.   A stiffer body and suspension make for more responsive handling and enhanced safety.

3.   A stiffer body with a longer wheelbase and a wider track give the Bonneville a sure-footed feel on corners.

4.   All are based on the Silverado pickup platform and have stiffer bodies for better ride and handling.

5.   The stiffer body improves the already responsive handling.

6.   The slightly larger, substantially stiffer body helps the new Eclipse deliver a supple and settled ride, well isolated and quiet without being numb.

7.   The stiffer body adds heft but delivers a quieter ride, and it should result in improved quality and crashworthiness.

8.   This new Mountaineer is definitely quieter than its predecessor, which is attributed in part to a stiffer body and thousands of noise control measures built into the vehicle.

9.   While adding to occupant safety, the stiffer body structure also improves the handling, reduces interior noise and smooths the ride.

a. + body >>共 955
governing 4.90%
human 3.99%
dead 3.46%
international 2.22%
upper 2.09%
new 2.06%
the 1.92%
regulatory 1.43%
charred 1.41%
whole 1.36%
stiffer 0.06%
stiffer + n. >>共 107
penalty 28.14%
competition 12.73%
sentence 9.72%
punishment 4.69%
fine 3.18%
sanction 3.02%
measure 2.01%
resistance 1.68%
regulation 1.68%
body 1.51%
每页显示:    共 9