1.   Before the cross-examination began Monday, prosecutor Marcia Clark completed her first round of questioning -- which included perhaps the most startling revelation of the day.

2.   But he made one startling revelation.

3.   Dr. Paul Mead, a bacteria specialist at the CDC, who is an author of the study, said it contained no startling revelations from a scientific standpoint.

4.   Foremost among these breakthroughs is a startling revelation about brain cells.

5.   However, a startling revelation has piqued my otherwise nonexistent interest in Felicity.

6.   In this interview she makes some startling revelations about her personal life.

7.   It is not a startling revelation.

8.   It is, in other words, just like any other trial, with nearly equal parts of startling revelations and tedious replowing of old ground.

9.   Mayor John DeStefano Jr. said that only two days have passed since the startling revelation and that both Pastore and the city would need time to sort it out.

10.   No startling revelation here.

a. + revelation >>共 278
new 9.99%
recent 7.62%
latest 5.49%
personal 2.75%
startling 2.75%
embarrassing 2.62%
divine 2.12%
shocking 2.12%
damaging 1.62%
stunning 1.50%
startling + n. >>共 404
contrast 2.72%
revelation 2.49%
news 2.27%
change 2.04%
number 1.93%
discovery 1.93%
result 1.81%
admission 1.81%
development 1.59%
thing 1.47%
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