1.   A good starting point is the statutory framework within which they are working.

2.   A mixture of consultation and internal management control might well prove a better starting point.

3.   A monistic starting point for the cosmos requires an explanation to account for the variety and multiplicity in the cosmos.

4.   A useful starting point is to inquire about the backgrounds of each of the senior executives.

5.   Adjust the starting point so that you avoid a very narrow Margin at the perimeter.

6.   Adorno offers one starting point for such a history.

7.   Aims are necessary starting points, but before the teacher can begin to provide learning experiences further refinement is necessary.

8.   All aspects of flying require this combination of understanding and self-discipline, and the vital actions make a good starting point.

a. + point >>共 723
starting 6.09%
key 2.84%
the 2.56%
low 2.39%
extra 2.13%
important 2.05%
first 2.05%
main 1.88%
crossing 1.84%
good 1.72%
starting + n. >>共 412
lineup 17.64%
point 11.58%
pitcher 8.98%
job 8.25%
quarterback 7.00%
rotation 6.21%
spot 2.78%
position 2.49%
center 1.89%
guard 1.56%
每页显示:    共 903