1.   A BR spokesman at York explained certain types of trees he could not say which shed thick leaves in autumn causing problems for trains on two counts.

2.   A spokesman at the state department meanwhile urged a swift reversal of the UNHCR decision to suspend aid.

3.   Ambassadors mainly meet and greet, serving as the official envoy of the U.S. government and as its interpreter and spokesman at social events and receptions.

4.   And Mikhail A. Shurgalin, a spokesman at the Russian Embassy in Washington, denied that Russia maintains secret military stocks of smallpox.

5.   And Todd Clay, a spokesman at Delta Air Lines, said that although the airline planned to reduce costs, it would maintain its level of service.

6.   Anthony Carter, a spokesman at Bristol-Meyers Squibb in New York, confirmed a report of the review this week in Adweek.

7.   As of Thursday morning, spokesmen at several banks said the strike was not definite.

8.   Asked about the apparent blockage of the CNN site, William Palmer, spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, would comment only obliquely.

9.   Asked by telephone what facilities the U.S. troops would make available for Cubans, a spokesman at Guantanamo admitted that the place had been caught flat-footed.

10.   Before the BEA repo a spokesman at the regional police headquarters, told the Associated Press.

n. + at >>共 1572
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spokesman + p. >>共 20
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