1.   And snuggling in front of TWO raging volcanoes spewing molten lava has got to be the best.

2.   If snuggling in front of a warm fire on a cold day is good, then snuggling before a raging volcano spewing molten lava is better, right?

3.   When Volcanoes Get Violent Some volcanos explode dramatically, while others are content merely to spew their lava down the hillside.

4.   A simmering volcano erupted spectacularly in the central Philippines on Sunday, spewing lava, car-sized rocks and shaking the ground for more than eight miles away.

5.   Although there were fewer eruptions yesterday, experts feared the Popocatepetl Volcano could begin spewing lava.

6.   Although there were fewer eruptions Friday, experts feared the Popocatepetl Volcano could begin spewing lava.

7.   Although there were fewer eruptions Friday and Saturday, experts feared the Popocatepetl Volcano could begin spewing lava.

8.   Equipped with a towed array of underwater video and still cameras, it could confirm whether lava was actually spewed onto the seafloor.

9.   International relief agencies began assessing damage Friday, a day after Mount Nyiragongo erupted, spewing lava across the bustling city of Goma and into Lake Kivu.

10.   Mount Etna burst back to life Thursday, spewing flaming lava visible as far away as the mainland.

v. + lava >>共 36
spew 21.43%
send 5.36%
pour 3.57%
ooze 3.57%
flow 3.57%
cross 3.57%
harden 3.57%
stop 3.57%
trickle 3.57%
expel 1.79%
spew + n. >>共 167
smoke 5.79%
ash 5.29%
venom 4.28%
cloud 3.27%
lava 3.02%
flame 3.02%
fume 2.77%
radiation 2.77%
water 2.77%
gas 2.52%
每页显示:    共 12