1.   But the Central Valley is in a league of its own when it comes to controversy over endangered species regulations.

2.   Hard-line approaches in the Central Valley have provided those who want to significantly change the endangered species regulations with the stories that have won public support.

3.   He is especially concerned with the takings provision that would compensate landowners if federal wetlands or endangered species regulations affect property values.

4.   In reaction to the legislation, the administration loosened federal wetlands and endangered species regulations last week.

5.   In return for establishing the mitigation land bank, Arco had it vast oil operations in the Central Valley preapproved -- with stringent guidelines -- under endangered species regulations.

6.   The justices said businesses affected by federal endangered species regulations can challenge those rules in court.

7.   The laws must must take into account the economic impact on landowners and a community of enforcing endangered species regulations, say those in the Central Valley.

8.   Throughout California and the nation, regional struggles have occurred between enforcers of endangered species regulations and local farmers, ranchers, oil operators and land developers.

n. + regulation >>共 524
government 22.67%
safety 8.92%
security 2.74%
rent 2.58%
price 1.35%
tobacco 1.29%
traffic 1.26%
market 1.19%
air 1.10%
health 1.03%
species 0.26%
species + n. >>共 142
list 22.73%
barrier 5.68%
law 4.83%
protection 4.26%
act 2.56%
listing 2.27%
regulation 2.27%
extinction 1.70%
habitat 1.70%
loss 1.42%
每页显示:    共 8