1.   Adobe has always been highly protective of its source code, turning down deals rather than share it.

2.   Application developers however, need to maintain only a single version of their source code for all systems.

3.   By their very nature the program source code is provided, usually with documentation disclaiming all responsibility in its use.

4.   The debuggers allow users to download and debug source code in real-time.

5.   The source code and minimal documentation will be available to researchers and libraries.

6.   The source code is to form the basis of an integrated set of financial and distribution management application modules for international usage.

7.   There is no evidence that the intruder gained access to the source code for Office or any Windows products.

8.   You might even use WordPerfect to write source codes of computer programs.

9.   This section concerns modules which contain source code.

10.   A type of module containing ASCII text such as program source code, command files, text files etc.

n. + code >>共 356
tax 26.47%
source 8.11%
computer 7.06%
software 3.42%
charge 2.23%
ethic 2.05%
fire 2.05%
security 1.96%
safety 1.46%
city 1.41%
source + n. >>共 178
close 67.03%
code 8.88%
material 5.34%
familiar 1.55%
review 1.30%
say 1.10%
country 0.75%
movement 0.60%
software 0.50%
note 0.40%
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