1.   As a kid, I used to copy song lyrics out and keep them in notebooks.

2.   The singer of popular song lyrics is a storyteller, and must communicate that story line in a personal, intimate way.

3.   Archivists studying the roots of grunge may be surprised to discover striking correlations between song lyrics and modern literature.

4.   As a critic of violent song lyrics, the conservative Republican is now the talking head in demand when talk turns to culture.

5.   As poems, even good song lyrics often feel beholden to easy rhymes or predictable formulas.

6.   ATLANTA -- Do you ever find yourself thinking about song lyrics that express what you are experiencing?

7.   Barrie opens it, shuffles around and finds some glitzy costumes and some handwritten song lyrics.

8.   A few months later, he began recalling an endless barrage of license-plate numbers, song lyrics and weather reports.

9.   A nice touch is the inclusion of school song lyrics.

10.   A quick check of some random quotes and song lyrics by Jim Morrison further convinces me that Sarasota deserves to be his final resting place.

n. + lyric >>共 43
song 41.77%
rap 21.52%
rock 3.80%
music 3.80%
reggae 2.53%
love 1.90%
hate 1.27%
sing-along 1.27%
coffeehouse-poet 0.63%
common-sense 0.63%
song + n. >>共 183
lyric 13.23%
title 6.81%
book 4.01%
recital 3.41%
cycle 3.21%
selection 3.01%
contest 2.81%
list 2.20%
sheet 2.00%
sound 1.80%
每页显示:    共 66