1.   Bill and his men would retreat to the rhododendron bushes and radio to the sniper teams on the roof.

2.   Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.

3.   Canada sends sniper teams and commandoes.

4.   If someone does, sniper teams will be ready.

5.   Rooftop sniper teams and surveillance cameras will scan summit locations.

6.   Sniper teams, Blackhawk helicopters, federal agents and volunteers are ready for possible terrorism.

n. + team >>共 560
football 7.08%
rescue 4.25%
baseball 4.21%
basketball 3.99%
management 3.62%
soccer 3.27%
expansion 2.68%
defense 2.51%
inspection 2.24%
championship 2.13%
sniper 0.03%
sniper + n. >>共 58
fire 58.06%
attack 9.57%
rifle 9.45%
bullet 4.28%
position 3.53%
nest 1.89%
shooting 1.13%
activity 1.01%
unit 0.76%
team 0.76%
每页显示:    共 6