1.   And those who renounce small pleasures may be all the more susceptible to monomania, to the urge to sacrifice the good in pursuit of the perfect.

2.   A real estate broker suggested she unload the state-owned marinas, which offer picnic and recreation areas and low-cost docking facilities for small pleasure boats.

3.   But the government, that perennial killjoy, wants to wrest this small pleasure from us.

4.   He writes about small pleasures and quotidian details, in direct language and familiar images.

5.   It is a land of small pleasures.

6.   Small pleasures.

7.   That left time for those small pleasures and chores.

8.   The Baptists take enormous satisfaction from small pleasures.

9.   There were small pleasures.

a. + pleasure >>共 437
great 7.80%
simple 6.83%
guilty 5.63%
pure 2.93%
sexual 2.63%
small 1.88%
sheer 1.80%
sensual 1.58%
particular 1.50%
real 1.50%
small + n. >>共 1140
business 4.25%
group 4.22%
town 3.18%
amount 2.42%
number 2.42%
company 1.95%
child 1.74%
bowl 1.43%
craft 1.15%
part 1.00%
pleasure 0.04%
每页显示:    共 25