1.   In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.

2.   Choi also recommends keeping a paraffin pack at home for those nights when skin is cracking.

3.   Her skin cracked and split open.

4.   The skin then cracks or peels.

5.   The skin cracks, leaving the extremities vulnerable to secondary infections.

6.   The skin cracks because it has no other way to relieve the pressure.

7.   This arid air causes human skin to crack if it is not moistened regularly.

8.   When dry skin cracks, it is easily irritated by things that normally do not bother it, like hot water, soap and dry air, Fleischer says.

n. + crack >>共 340
voice 11.92%
police 3.34%
wall 2.07%
ice 1.27%
player 1.27%
quake 1.27%
skin 1.27%
team 1.27%
authority 1.11%
government 0.95%
skin + v. >>共 219
be 31.58%
become 3.76%
have 3.01%
crawl 2.47%
feel 2.47%
look 2.36%
begin 2.15%
seem 1.72%
turn 1.61%
absorb 1.40%
crack 0.86%
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