1.   Lack of available products, skilled staff and standards appear to be the major obstacles to adopting open systems strategies.

2.   Not every hospital has the resources or the skilled nursing staff to see to the special needs of many of these patients.

3.   The plant will be effectively sealed off from the world apart from periodic inspection and monitoring visits by skilled staff.

4.   Thus co-ordinate indexing was not recommended for use in schools without very skilled staff being present to operate and coordinate its use.

5.   Wherever possible we recruit skilled staff locally.

6.   It is hoped that the plan will help to release funds that have been held up because of shortages of data or skilled staff in the East.

7.   THE Government has been warned that skilled staff at an Army office in Chester will refuse a move to Scotland.

8.   By stealing personnel from ISPs, he says, phone companies get skilled staff to go along with their substantial resources.

9.   Many companies suffered shortages of skilled staff, though, making it difficult for them to meet the increased demand.

10.   Or Disney could simply just buy Starwave, but then it would not be the entrepreneurial venture that attracted its skilled staff in the first place.

a. + staff >>共 1114
coaching 14.31%
pitching 5.98%
medical 5.58%
senior 2.75%
new 2.38%
sales 1.88%
local 1.43%
skeleton 1.43%
entire 1.33%
congressional 1.32%
skilled 0.33%
skilled + n. >>共 478
worker 21.48%
labor 5.41%
player 2.34%
job 2.06%
people 1.95%
labour 1.67%
staff 1.56%
professional 1.40%
craftsman 1.28%
workforce 1.23%
每页显示:    共 28