1.   This size limitation means that harvester ant assemblages are not good indicators of the local mammalian fauna.

2.   There are still more Software Performance Reports which could not be displayed on the screen due to size limitations.

3.   There are still more Software Status Reports which could not be displayed on the screen due to size limitations.

4.   There is still more QA information available which could not be displayed on the screen due to size limitations.

5.   Even with the interior size limitations, there are creature comforts not found in the military version.

6.   Is there any size limitation on a post card?

7.   Not only does the proposed cable deal involve little geographic overlap, but it comes at a time when the government has no size limitations on cable companies.

8.   Thomas, who was rarely impeded by his size limitations, is not concerned.

n. + limitation >>共 89
space 8.23%
scholarship 5.19%
damage 4.76%
term 4.33%
time 4.33%
budget 3.90%
arm 3.46%
size 3.46%
distance 3.03%
age 3.03%
size + n. >>共 512
area 3.75%
advantage 2.50%
country 1.83%
matter 1.63%
difference 1.63%
hole 1.54%
hail 1.35%
problem 1.35%
box 1.25%
company 1.25%
limitation 0.77%
每页显示:    共 8