1.   Modern men and women work assiduously at sites like Uxmal to uncover every clue.

2.   Paths pottered through the site like the twisting streets of medieval hill towns.

3.   Computers enable homework assignments to be done with worldwide resources, using sites like museums and science facilities around the world.

4.   Government restrictions on the way local authorities spend their housing budgets mean the council will no longer be able to build sites like this.

5.   Most of our rubbish goes to sites like this one at Sutton Courtenay in Oxfordshire.

6.   Detectives say they now believe the three man involved were all travellers... and were staying at various sites like this around Milton Keynes.

7.   Already the Internet has attracted a critical mass of sci-fi dweebs, paranormalists and conspiracy theorists who crowd sites like The Alien Exploratorium.

8.   Already, several sites like Onsale and First Auction have created a hybrid format of auction retailer.

9.   America Online, which once paid sites like TheStreet for content, switched directions and started charging others for the privilege of putting content on its site.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
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player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
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site 0.35%
site + p. >>共 81
of 31.62%
in 18.17%
for 13.89%
on 6.95%
at 3.40%
with 3.19%
to 2.65%
near 1.78%
as 1.68%
like 1.68%
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