1.   Since the primary contraindications to sildenafil use are certain concurrent medications, this is a significant omission.

2.   Another significant omission?

3.   That is a significant omission, which can result in pinched fingers and hard feelings.

4.   There are some significant omissions in the book.

a. + omission >>共 91
glaring 13.23%
notable 6.88%
serious 5.82%
major 3.70%
deliberate 3.17%
surprising 3.17%
minor 2.65%
curious 2.12%
significant 2.12%
startling 2.12%
significant + n. >>共 920
change 4.55%
difference 3.29%
number 3.16%
amount 2.20%
progress 2.17%
role 2.12%
increase 1.88%
impact 1.79%
improvement 1.41%
gain 1.36%
omission 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4