1.   Alix was out front of the premises poking a flickering neon sign with a length of plastic tubing.

2.   Even putting up a sign with your company name will be wasted-if it is not the correct competitive position for the Market.

3.   Groggy with heat, Jackie wondered feebly if they changed the sign with every birth and death.

4.   Hanging over the sidewalk was a wooden sign with a large white tooth painted on it.

5.   He made signs with his hands and fingers and Corbett watched fascinated as Benstede replied using identical gestures.

6.   In the plans, the east wing next to SuperTarget carried a sign with the Gordmans logo.

7.   ...a small blue sign with white lettering.

8.   I scrambled back down after that and retrieved the ball-bearing I had hit the sign with the day before.

9.   Another episode on long leaf pines shows a preservation area sign with the name Gulf Power, a Southern Co. subsidiary.

10.   As he crouched between spectators and the gate surrounding the National Palace, Paul Jean Labase held a pro-Aristide sign with a human skull on top.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
sign 0.03%
sign + p. >>共 46
of 90.55%
for 2.52%
at 0.93%
from 0.82%
with 0.77%
to 0.67%
in 0.46%
on 0.38%
outside 0.23%
about 0.21%
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