1.   Gradually mix in the sifted icing sugar, beating well to a thick smooth paste.

2.   Gradually beat in the sifted icing sugar, adding a little at a time and mixing until well incorporated.

3.   Add sifted powdered sugar and continue blending on low speed until a smooth, soft consistency is achieved.

4.   Add the sifted powdered sugar, the vanilla and the nuts.

5.   Dust with sifted powdered sugar and spoon softly whipped cream or ice cream next to each cake.

6.   Serve immediately sprinkled with sifted powdered sugar or topped with hot fudge, caramel, lemon or raspberry sauce.

7.   Sprinkle top of purse lightly with sifted powdered sugar.

8.   To thicken, add sifted powdered sugar in small amounts until desired consistency is achieved.

9.   Melt the margarine and stir in sifted icing sugar, plain flour and cocoa powder together with beaten egg.

10.   Pour into the sifted icing sugar and cocoa mixture.

a. + sugar >>共 396
powdered 17.61%
granulated 6.12%
white 4.14%
raw 3.65%
remaining 3.15%
refined 2.60%
added 2.04%
domestic 1.98%
cuban 1.92%
high 1.79%
sifted 0.68%
sifted + n. >>共 9
ingredient 43.24%
flour 29.73%
sugar 14.86%
cocoa 4.05%
debris 2.70%
cake 1.35%
material 1.35%
mixture 1.35%
powder 1.35%
每页显示:    共 11