1.   After all, sick people need cheering up, right?

2.   Elderly people and chronically sick people in residential and nursing homes will not be the only ones to benefit.

3.   More to the point, as resistant strains emerge, the greater becomes our need for new antibiotics to cure sick people.

4.   Those who are already afflicted are sick people and need our care as do all sick patients.

5.   Very sick people should be allowed to die with dignity.

6.   Working with sick people places him at risk for infection.

7.   It was good to think of all those sick people gradually recovering as the pageant rolled off over their horizon.

8.   What with cursing priests and so very many sick people, the world suddenly seemed an unkind, unhappy place.

9.   They say that too many sick people are being sent to prison again and again instead of being treated.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
sick 0.39%
sick + n. >>共 329
child 13.15%
people 10.79%
day 4.61%
smoker 4.30%
patient 3.68%
man 2.81%
animal 2.56%
feeling 2.37%
relative 1.93%
person 1.75%
每页显示:    共 172