1.   Carroll showed some wit in picking up on the grocery analogy put forth by Parcells and Kraft last week.

2.   Regarded as fairly conservative on church doctrine, George showed considerable wit at a morning news conference, which was broadcast live locally.

3.   The production features dressed-to-maim costumes from the inventive Isaac Mizrahi, who shows typical wit in the black-and-white daywear of the first act.

4.   This is the first time anyone has asked the supermodels to lampoon themselves, and they showed tremendous wit in doing so.

v. + wit >>共 66
match 15.76%
have 10.84%
keep 10.84%
use 8.87%
scare 6.90%
gather 5.91%
pit 2.96%
need 1.97%
show 1.97%
express 1.48%
show + n. >>共 1032
sign 13.22%
interest 4.00%
support 1.59%
improvement 1.41%
picture 1.14%
emotion 1.13%
promise 1.11%
restraint 0.93%
footage 0.92%
willingness 0.91%
wit 0.01%
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