1.   If the water was moving with the wave, the ocean and everything on it would be racing in to the shore with obviously catastrophic results.

2.   An osprey heads toward shore with a fish in its talons.

3.   Bahia Honda State Recreation Area boasts the best beach in the Keys, a real, honest-to-goodness white sand shore with gentle surf perfect for swimming.

4.   Faces painted red by the sun, the crew headed back to shore with several nice-size perch and memories of dozens returned to the lake.

5.   Giant sea waves generated by earthquakes can smash the shore with devastating force.

6.   He was convicted of violating several maritime laws, including approaching the shore with his radar turned off.

7.   Heavy rain and gales will buffet the shore with rising snow levels in the Cascades.

8.   Much has been made of the fact that British culture has of late been flooding these shores with almost colonial aplomb.

9.   One night, the Amazon Queen stopped on a shore with a sandy beach, and guides challenged the fishermen to a game of beach volleyball under the moon.

10.   Once again the anchor was pulled and we started toward shore with me waiting for the fish to begin its first long run.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
shore 0%
shore + p. >>共 49
of 55.86%
up 10.41%
in 6.78%
on 2.79%
with 2.70%
from 2.32%
for 2.23%
to 2.14%
by 1.95%
near 1.49%
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