1.   I sat down by the side of Blyth, careful not to let my shadow cross his face.

2.   A shadow crossed her features.

3.   Leonora turned away, a shadow crossing her face.

4.   He looks down, a shadow of pique crossing his face.

5.   LeAlan was quiet as his friends talked, and then the sad shadow crossed his face again.

6.   LeAlan nodded in agreement, and a sad shadow crossed his face, a face caught between chubby and lean, boyhood and manhood.

n. + cross >>共 827
troop 4.52%
path 3.08%
refugee 2.24%
people 2.17%
soldier 1.62%
boat 1.40%
truck 1.36%
train 1.32%
ball 1.29%
force 1.25%
shadow 0.26%
shadow + v. >>共 125
be 21.83%
lengthen 7.08%
fall 5.01%
loom 2.95%
cross 2.06%
move 2.06%
seem 2.06%
appear 1.77%
creep 1.77%
come 1.77%
每页显示:    共 7