1.   As well as spending a great deal of time servicing existing customers we are constantly looking for new opportunities in developing markets around the world.

2.   We were busy overcoming problems inherent in the system so as to service customers -- but no-one knew at what expense.

3.   But now Vella is scrambling to make sure New Pig acquires Internet tools to service corporate customers who want to deal with their suppliers online.

4.   Most online retailers, if they want to service their customers well, will have to do the same thing.

5.   Newcourt primarily services Dell customers in the U.S. and Europe.

6.   The combined company, to be called Bell Atlantic and based in New York, will service customers from Maine to West Virginia.

7.   The company realized that its plan to service those customers with resellers had cost it some sales.

8.   In their heyday, taxi drivers often selected their passengers and refused to service customers who wanted to take a long ride.

9.   It services its customers with a group of fairly independentproducts and services according to their explicit needs.

10.   KONSORTIUM Perkapalan Bhd is keen on alliances as it enables the firm to service customers better in the long term, said group executive chairman Mirzan Mahathir.

v. + customer >>共 723
attract 8.27%
serve 3.73%
lure 3.42%
have 2.92%
lose 2.92%
charge 2.16%
keep 1.97%
draw 1.91%
provide 1.67%
reach 1.49%
service 0.20%
service + n. >>共 276
debt 13.71%
company 3.75%
loan 3.03%
plane 3.03%
car 3.03%
business 2.74%
equipment 1.73%
aircraft 1.59%
customer 1.59%
vehicle 1.30%
每页显示:    共 11