1. Accounting for certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities classifies investments in three separate categories. 2. Almost twenty separate categories are listed but there are also pages and pages of other activities which defy classification. 3. Included in a separate category are those allowed entry because they proved they have unique employment skills. 4. Punctuation Marks are classified as separate syntactic categories and grammars and transition matrices based around this assumption. 5. Centres should note, that to recognise student achievement on more than one instrument, modules have been given separate instrumental categories. 6. Some commodity arbitrations relating to quality and price seem to be in a separate category in this respect. 7. We have a separate category for them. 8. And it is now considering the creation of a separate category for lighting that is likely to be used infrequently. 9. Asian students were not considered as a separate category in the report summary. |