1.   Jenny looked doubtful.

2.   Are the children and grandchildren of the sick and dying, who never saw the mine in operation, going to die from its legacy?

3.   According to another dinner guest, Garcia Marquez said he never dreamed he would see Castro going to a Mass.

4.   He went through the Olympics, saw guys going here and there, and shook his head.

5.   In some parts of the world, the Stearnses report, biodiversity is losing ground so quickly that it is almost impossible not to see species going extinct.

6.   In the right circle, Boynton faked a slapper and then saw Rolston going to the net.

7.   Paulsen sees interest rates going even lower, which means utilities could go even higher.

8.   Susan Hongisto had quarreled with her husband Friday evening and gone to see Amador, an old acquaintance who family members say was never romantically involved with her.

9.   Twee notions that I am not sad to see gone.

10.   When Sumner saw the other boys going off with their dads for sodas after a big game, he seethed with envy.

v. + go >>共 421
be 52.91%
opt 2.03%
turn 1.71%
will 1.71%
get 1.40%
have 1.17%
know 1.13%
keep 1.13%
project 0.86%
say 0.81%
see 0.68%
see + v. >>共 427
be 5.67%
come 3.17%
have 2.95%
say 2.38%
happen 1.70%
take 1.70%
go 1.70%
approach 1.25%
mix 1.13%
head 1.02%
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