1.   I could not possibly tell him the truth, as that would scare the daylights out of him.

2.   But Buchanan also scares the daylights out of Europeans who fear his attraction forms part of a worldwide surge of extreme rightwing populism.

3.   Davis turned around and scared the daylights out of Fife.

4.   Frank Hijuelos is doing his best to scare the daylights out of New Orleans.

5.   Georges turned east and hit Mississippi, but not before it scared the daylights out of some residents.

6.   Having actual sports fans at a golf tournament apparently scared the daylights out of organizers and sponsors of the Phoenix Open.

7.   He had a Svengali-like control over my psyche and it scared the daylights out of my mother.

8.   He hired a man with a big black bear to slip upstairs by the back elevator and scare the daylights out of the city editor.

9.   If you have a daughter, it will scare the daylights out of you.

10.   In some cases, pranksters have sent flour or another powder to scare the daylights out of others.

v. + daylight >>共 56
see 23.31%
scare 16.54%
put 5.26%
beat 3.76%
have 3.76%
find 3.76%
hit 2.26%
turn 2.26%
admit 1.50%
get 1.50%
scare + n. >>共 235
people 13.20%
hell 5.31%
investor 3.73%
child 3.73%
daylight 3.16%
voter 3.01%
public 2.87%
wit 2.01%
pant 1.87%
lot 1.43%
每页显示:    共 22