1.   But supporters say beginning with the six skips potentially paralyzing discussions and provides a common vocabulary.

2.   They say that began with several smaller attempts by Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon to supply arms and was cemented in the Moscow meeting.

3.   Begun said she was assaulted even though she had permission to visit the elephant camp.

4.   Cardoso said beginning in April the government will decentralize the distribution of resources and basic health services will be transferred to the states and cities.

5.   Domestic Trade and Consumers Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Megat Junid Megat Ayob said beginning today, the fair price markets would be located in several towns throughout the country.

6.   Mitchell said beginning Monday, negotiators would meet all week long and take breaks only to eat and sleep.

7.   Director General Jean-Francois Benard said beginning Tuesday SNCF staff, accompanied by police and customs officers, would search members of the public.

v. + begin >>共 166
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single 1.18%
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say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
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fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
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allow 1.52%
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begin 0.17%
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