1. Three sample questions are shown below. 2. Here are some sample questions for the test. 3. Both sites, however, offer sample test questions that some users may find helpful if they have not gone out and bought a test-preparation book. 4. Feeling cautious, I entered a pseudonym, skipped most of the demographics and went on to a sample question, which presented two statements that might describe me. 5. Here are some sample questions. 6. School officials plan to produce a video for the families of fourth-grade students that will include sample test questions and suggestions on how parents can help. 7. She was sent the official summary, a kind of public relations brochure containing a few sample questions. 8. Since the show premiered last August, the program has found its players among callers to a toll-free number who then answer a few sample questions. 9. The book comes with a free compact disk containing sample questions from the SAT and ACT, among other things. 10. The old book contained all the sample questions a new driver could expect to encounter. |