1.   Or scratch your crutch with the salad fork.

2.   Fast-developing restaurateur who can make steakhouse busboys snap to attention with the flip of a salad fork.

3.   For instance, say some confused soul mistakenly uses his salad fork for the entree.

4.   Have ready all the dressing ingredients and a salad fork and spoon for tossing.

5.   Have all ready the dressing ingredients and a salad fork and spoon for tossing.

6.   If the salad fork is placed between the dinner fork and the dinner plate, salad will be served at the end of the meal.

7.   Rather than raise an eyebrow or chuckle behind his back with your table companions, consider using your salad fork to make him feel comfortable.

8.   Shrimp forks will be used before salad forks, which are used before dinner forks, and a butter knife will be used before a dinner knife.

9.   The gleaming Republican faces lay down their salad forks.

n. + fork >>共 37
salad 12.33%
dinner 9.59%
north 8.22%
oyster 6.85%
pitch 6.85%
meat 5.48%
kitchen 4.11%
dessert 2.74%
fish 2.74%
fondue 2.74%
salad + n. >>共 106
bowl 25.16%
green 13.01%
plate 8.53%
ingredient 4.69%
sandwich 4.69%
spinner 4.26%
recipe 2.35%
mix 1.92%
fork 1.92%
leaf 1.71%
每页显示:    共 9