1.   Accounts were adopted without question, rule changes without demur.

2.   No significant playing rules changes are in the works.

3.   If this rule change is agreed, we accept that one member has more rights than another.

4.   Powerboat tragedy.Calls for a rule change after the death of a champion.

5.   The rule changes will apply in competitions such as the NIE Primary Cup, but local associations are free to use the old rules if they wish.

6.   Denying vote-catching, Mr Fallon said the rule change was good news for Darlington.

7.   The rule changes follow subtle lobbying by many teams worried by the effects of the new regulations introduced without the support of them all.

8.   Although they acknowledged that Aflac had been pushing hard for the rule change, Serio and other department officials said the lobbying had not affected their decision.

9.   And members in both parties have called for rule changes that would make it easier for minority party members to bring bills to the floor.

10.   And since that rule change, there has been little discussion.

n. + change >>共 1062
climate 8.09%
rule 6.48%
policy 6.11%
name 4.09%
management 3.45%
personnel 2.30%
tax 1.93%
lineup 1.68%
price 1.58%
rate 1.54%
rule + n. >>共 227
change 39.94%
book 12.61%
violation 9.79%
committee 3.99%
official 2.90%
maker 1.80%
proposal 1.64%
interpretation 1.49%
infraction 1.10%
state 0.63%
每页显示:    共 507