1.   Perhaps this explains why the stock market has rocketed to record highs in the face of weakening results.

2.   Shares of companies such as Netscape Communications Corp. and Spyglass Inc. that make software to navigate the Internet rocketed to record highs today, also.

3.   U.S. stocks rose this week as shares in companies that make software to navigate the Internet rocketed to record highs.

4.   Venezuelan shares rocketed to record highs for a third session, propelled by foreign investors.

5.   Stocks rocketed to record highs Thursday as Wall Street welcomed a reduction in a key interest rate.

v. + record >>共 80
rise 19.78%
soar 16.12%
surge 7.69%
use 6.59%
climb 5.86%
rally 4.03%
be 2.56%
fall 2.20%
plunge 2.20%
rocket 1.83%
rocket + v. >>共 5
record 50.00%
fire 20.00%
become 10.00%
fashion 10.00%
launch 10.00%
每页显示:    共 5