1.   Must rising wages and expanding production hit a brick wall, leading to layoffs and falling output?

2.   Some analysts emphasize rising productivity and rising wages in the Market economy that have made work outside the home increasingly profitable.

3.   Some economists attribute much of the rising wage inequality in this country to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers.

4.   But rising wages played a more complex role.

5.   In that situation failure to accumulate in the face of rapidly rising real wage costs spells disaster.

6.   Japan provides the most dramatic case of a rising wage share maintaining the growth of take-home pay despite a major decline in productivity growth.

7.   Although the economy is stumbling now, the longest expansion in US history spread a bounty of jobs and rising wages to every corner of the United States.

8.   And since wages figure prominently in the cost of most products, rising wages inevitably force companies to cover the cost by raising prices.

9.   Because of rising wages, more Americans can afford new vehicles.

a. + wage >>共 512
higher 16.41%
low 7.57%
back 5.13%
real 4.59%
lower 4.21%
rising 3.89%
unpaid 3.69%
hourly 2.46%
high 2.37%
average 2.33%
rising + n. >>共 868
price 7.48%
cost 6.50%
star 4.16%
rate 3.58%
tension 3.53%
unemployment 3.29%
crime 2.81%
inflation 2.71%
tide 2.62%
number 2.47%
wage 1.81%
每页显示:    共 171