1.   At present, the majority are in retail locations.

2.   As a result, good one-on-one relationships at the street level may prove less effective in changing the store turf inside a retail location owned by a chain.

3.   As a retail location, Studioplex has not lived up to what many of the artists hoped.

4.   A list of retail locations is posted on the Web site.

5.   All along, it has played off its folksy image, with everything from its trademark cow-patterned boxes to retail locations that resemble old-time general stores.

6.   For decades, it has been the dominant retail location in Daly City, Calif., which borders San Francisco.

7.   For years, they have set up shop in supermarkets and other retail locations to provide one-stop shopping to busy consumers.

8.   In other retail locations, Nike and Reebok compete evenly, Shapiro says.

9.   It is closing full-service branches, but it has opened nine fully automated branches with two-way television in shopping malls and other retail locations.

10.   It also rebuilt and landscaped the sidewalk along Newbury Street, a choice retail location, and along the parallel avenue, Boylston Street.

n. + location >>共 346
store 3.35%
retail 2.92%
seat 1.90%
business 1.75%
area 1.75%
film 1.31%
plant 1.17%
movie 1.17%
tourist 1.17%
drop-off 1.02%
retail + n. >>共 622
sale 19.19%
store 6.52%
price 5.68%
outlet 4.37%
chain 3.48%
business 2.70%
stock 2.66%
investor 2.57%
market 2.24%
industry 1.89%
location 0.24%
每页显示:    共 20