1.   And when Microsoft recently sold preferred stock, it seriously considered Merrill Lynch as an underwriter because of its network of retail brokers.

2.   As the biggest retail broker, the company probably would be included in more big stock sales because of its increased ability to distribute shares to its clients.

3.   Back then, mall owners and retail brokers regarded the growth in e-commerce with suspicion.

4.   Charles Schwab is a U.S. retail broker while Salomon is a global institutional investment bank with no retail business.

5.   Even with their limitations, pedestrian counts are popular with retail brokers and store operators, Pisark of the business districts said.

6.   Goldman is now actively studying ways to become a retail broker using the Internet, people close to the firm said.

7.   In a practice that is legal, but arguably corrupt, market-making dealers pay retail brokers a kickback to send market orders their way.

8.   In fact, those wishing to become retail brokers would be the most likely victims of a change in hiring practices, industry analysts said.

9.   In particular, the report offered recommendations for better ways of aligning the interests of the investor with those of retail brokers and their firms.

10.   It has rejected the idea of buying or merging with a retail broker, of the type that deals with middle-class American investors.

n. + broker >>共 178
mortgage 13.24%
ticket 7.55%
peace 6.44%
floor 4.95%
retail 3.71%
real-estate 3.34%
commodity 2.97%
bond 2.85%
investment 2.48%
future 2.10%
retail + n. >>共 622
sale 19.19%
store 6.52%
price 5.68%
outlet 4.37%
chain 3.48%
business 2.70%
stock 2.66%
investor 2.57%
market 2.24%
industry 1.89%
broker 0.36%
每页显示:    共 30