1.   Although many researchers point out that most bisexuals may feel attracted to both sexes, they are usually only involved with one.

2.   And the researchers point out that little effort has been made elsewhere to use the same benchmarks for success so that results could be fairly compared.

3.   As an example, researchers point to the rapid depletion of orange roughy, which worsened during the period some of this enhanced technology was released.

4.   At the same time, Kraus and other researchers point out that relatively little has been done to reduce collisions with ships.

5.   But less sanguine researchers point out that time lag may not be entirely responsible.

6.   Indeed, despite growing in population and wealth, researchers point out that the Black middle class has always been under the mainstream radar.

7.   Other researchers point out that normal breeding itself has a lot to answer for when it comes to animal welfare.

8.   Researchers point out that a host of drugs known to cause birth defects, such as the acne drug Accutane, are approved for use in the United States.

9.   Researchers point to a pattern in behavior that strongly suggests many teens may not be prepared to handle the responsibility of driving.

10.   The researchers point out that some climate records already show signs of such effects.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
researcher 0.23%
researcher + n. >>共 67
report 32.54%
say 13.88%
point 6.22%
hope 4.31%
access 3.83%
caution 1.91%
claim 1.91%
fear 1.44%
suspect 1.44%
work 1.44%
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