1.   Another may see that a powerful and confident experience in one field -- such as music -- brings contacts and perspectives which remain useful.

2.   Although he lost the argument, he remains useful to the IRA, and there is no sign that his life is in danger.

3.   Even a site on the World Wide Web, the multimedia area of the Internet, remains useful mainly for text.

4.   Some expressions remain so useful that they stay embedded in the language.

5.   The monitoring process has yet to yield an arrest for terrorism, but he argued that it remained useful.

6.   It is and will remain extremely useful.

v. + useful >>共 12
be 89.48%
prove 7.44%
become 1.05%
come 0.49%
seem 0.41%
feel 0.38%
remain 0.23%
appear 0.19%
look 0.11%
sound 0.11%
remain + a. >>共 926
unclear 4.20%
open 2.69%
strong 2.38%
closed 2.16%
high 2.14%
silent 1.68%
unchanged 1.66%
optimistic 1.31%
at_large 1.28%
stable 1.23%
useful 0.01%
每页显示:    共 6