1.   Very few seriously asked how education could flourish without the sustenance provided by religion.

2.   A third objection to the confessional approach is that it assumes that religion provides the adequate answer to the dilemmas facing society.

3.   Although their own religions also provided laws and courts, they generally relied on Islamic law.

4.   As it has for generations of immigrants, religion provides a neighborhood within a neighborhood for people estranged by language and culture.

5.   Most major religions provide some national and local outreach to people with disabilities.

6.   One theory is that religion provides a shared community, friends, a sense of belonging.

7.   Other religions provide for ways to lessen animal suffering when sacrificed or used as food.

8.   The culture no longer supports the old ethic of diligence and thrift, and religion is providing neither a moral language nor a supportive community for making these decisions.

9.   One should admit that other religions also provide a guarantee of salvation, a view which would not contradict with divine decrees passed down through His messenger.

10.   Religion may provide the faithful with comfort or a loving community in their golden years, thereby lowering stress and blood pressure, Koenig said.

n. + provide >>共 1658
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law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
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state 0.96%
religion 0.05%
religion + v. >>共 287
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