1.   I have found more difficulty teaching the relational model to computer students than to management students.

2.   It is not necessary to know anything of computers or computer file structures to understand the relational model and to use it.

3.   The relational model is not computer-oriented.

4.   This is not true of the relational model itself.

5.   The relational model can be derived from data analysis.

6.   The entities and relationships identified in the entity-relationship model can both be represented as relations in the relational model.

7.   We will now introduce some of the terminology associated with the relational model.

8.   The process of normalisation is the application of a number of rules to the relational model which will simplify the relations.

9.   As we have already stated, one of the principles of the relational model is that the order of the tuples should not be significant.

10.   All tuples have to be searched, because in the relational model the order of the tuples is of no significance.

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