1.   From the flowers sprout long, drooping red stalks to which the whirlybird seeds are attached.

2.   If your color sense tends away from Crayola, try the variety I. herbstii Aureoreticulata, with green leaves, yellow veins and bright red stalks and stems.

3.   Its leaf shape is classic maple, with three to five serrated lobes attached to a long, slender red stalk.

4.   One of the cheering sights of spring is rhubarb, whether as big-leafed plants in the garden or as strong red stalks in the market.

5.   The stalks hold their colors when cooked, but red stalks tend to bleed a bit.

a. + stalk >>共 115
green 6.40%
short 4.43%
tall 3.45%
thin 2.96%
slender 2.96%
red 2.46%
brown 2.46%
long 2.46%
dead 1.97%
new 1.48%
red + n. >>共 798
wine 6.36%
card 4.82%
rose 2.07%
hair 2.02%
brick 1.92%
clay 1.54%
line 1.54%
onion 1.32%
zone 1.25%
alert 1.04%
stalk 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5