1.   For patients with complicated infarctions requiring intensive insulin therapy the recovery phase will be heralded by a diminishing insulin requirement.

2.   Valsalva or stress testing can prolong the QT interval, produce T wave alternans, and reveal notched T waves, especially during the early recovery phase.

3.   In untreated calves, this is normally the recovery phase after the adult lungworms have been expelled.

4.   We look at evacuation, recovery phase, possessions insurance, for weeks and months after the flooding.

5.   In the recovery phase, however, the level of aggregate demand is rising and consequently businessmen become more optimistic.

6.   This brings us back to the recovery phase and the whole process starts over again.

7.   For example, they recognise that in the recovery phase of the cycle, the demand for money will be increasing to finance the greater volume of transactions.

8.   After the operation, Clinton was fitted with a brace to keep his knee steady and to help keep him from tearing the tendon again during the recovery phase.

9.   But the Knicks exhibited enough effort on Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden to be considered in the recovery phase.

n. + phase >>共 299
penalty 12.53%
punishment 5.60%
six-month 2.75%
knockout 2.53%
discovery 2.42%
group 2.31%
recovery 2.20%
consolidation 2.09%
transition 2.09%
design 1.98%
recovery + n. >>共 233
effort 15.70%
plan 12.36%
time 8.06%
program 6.36%
operation 5.03%
process 4.42%
period 3.39%
team 3.27%
worker 2.06%
work 1.76%
phase 1.21%
每页显示:    共 20