1.   According to the cease-fire agreement, the truce will not start unless the besieged capital is reconnected to gas and electric supplies.

2.   According to the cease-fire agreement, the truce will not start unless the besieged capital is reconnected to gas and electricity sources.

3.   The truce will not start unless the besieged capital is reconnected to gas and electric supplies.

4.   The truce will not start unless the besieged capital is reconnected to gas and electricity sources.

v. + capital >>共 525
raise 13.90%
attract 4.28%
include 3.85%
leave 3.07%
have 2.01%
flee 1.96%
establish 1.94%
provide 1.79%
reach 1.74%
visit 1.71%
reconnect 0.10%
reconnect + n. >>共 54
cable 23.08%
service 5.77%
capital 3.85%
line 3.85%
railway 3.85%
panel 2.88%
power 2.88%
supply 2.88%
friend 1.92%
customer 1.92%
每页显示:    共 4