1.   Augusta National has taken its toll on countless professionals over the years, and the reasons vary.

2.   Again, the reasons vary.

3.   Both would find the performance somehow silly and gratuitous, though their reasons would vary, and though they might both be reluctant to say so.

4.   But the reasons vary widely.

5.   Instead, their reasons vary.

6.   Reasons vary for the surge in the West.

7.   Reasons vary from concern over water quality to the high mineral content and questionable taste of Valley tap water.

8.   Reasons vary for the statewide economic bust.

9.   Reasons may vary from the El Nino weather phenomenon to dry conditions along the migration route.

10.   Several small business owners had no interest in being online, but their reasons varied.

n. + vary >>共 929
price 6.22%
rate 3.25%
opinion 2.15%
estimate 1.96%
cost 1.84%
result 1.75%
time 1.59%
number 1.53%
rule 1.47%
fee 1.47%
reason 0.71%
reason + v. >>共 278
be 88.23%
have 1.26%
seem 0.90%
include 0.76%
lie 0.53%
remain 0.37%
vary 0.30%
prevail 0.28%
go 0.28%
appear 0.26%
每页显示:    共 23