1.   Agreement was only reached following a fierce debate over the question of radioactive waste.

2.   A tentative agreement was reached following negotiations Sunday in Baghdad.

3.   A spokesman for Romano Prodi said the choices for under-secretary posts were reached following talks with political allies.

4.   He said the decision was reached following the move to shelve the Bakun Dam project.

5.   Nobody at the Iranian embassy in Bonn could not be reached following word of the verdict, due to the late hour.

6.   The decision was reached following negotiations among the holders of the top three posts in the division.

7.   The decision was reached following negotiations among top three officials in the division.

8.   The deal was reached following secret talks in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over the weekend.

9.   The report said the agreement was reached following talks here Wednesday.

v. + follow >>共 636
be 12.79%
rise 3.43%
fall 3.36%
arrest 3.22%
resign 2.19%
suspend 2.16%
die 1.89%
say 1.61%
release 1.41%
make 1.37%
reach 0.58%
reach + v. >>共 172
confirm 12.12%
comment 10.71%
end 3.64%
say 3.64%
follow 3.43%
allow 2.83%
avoid 1.82%
have 1.82%
clarify 1.62%
elaborate 1.41%
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