1.   The strategy raises the prospect of voters with mobile phones being bombarded with election slogans from all parties.

2.   The extent of opposition to the proposal raised the prospect of its being vetoed by the Legislative Council.

3.   Such a consideration raises the prospect of having to run a surplus budget at the same time as cutting taxes.

4.   Namibia has raised the prospects of an end to the culling of seals next year, if tourists come in sufficient numbers to view them.

5.   It represents a major setback for the Tories and raises the prospect of a hung Parliament with Labour the biggest party.

6.   Mr Simon, however, said he believed the changes would encourage additional investment in existing oilfields and raise the prospects of extending their productive life.

7.   American officials have raised the prospect of further sanctions, most recently after a meeting in Washington with the new Colombian foreign minister, Maria Emma Mejia.

8.   An NBC executive raised the prospect of other deals with the Dallas firm.

v. + prospect >>共 435
face 11.65%
raise 10.67%
have 4.74%
discuss 4.42%
improve 3.83%
offer 2.32%
see 1.96%
relish 1.70%
welcome 1.64%
boost 1.60%
raise + n. >>共 391
money 11.41%
question 8.54%
concern 5.36%
price 4.42%
issue 4.42%
rate 4.28%
fund 2.88%
possibility 2.50%
tax 2.21%
fear 2.18%
prospect 0.77%
每页显示:    共 324