1.   If left-wing radio talk show hosts got higher ratings, the right-wing hosts would be off the air.

2.   If right-wing radio talk show hosts get high ratings, they will be the ones on the air.

3.   Also invited to forum were Rep. Bob Dornan of California, Sen. Dick Lugar of Indiana, Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and radio host Alan Keyes.

4.   Also in attendance was Alex Jones, the radio host from Austin who led the drive to build the Davidians a new church, which is substantially completed.

5.   And a talk radio host from Washington, D.C., recently asked a Grain Valley alderman to discuss separation of church and state over the airwaves.

6.   And Cuban radio hosts are advising people not to come out yet to protest.

7.   And it seems sensible to seek a TV talk show host from the ranks of popular radio talk show hosts.

8.   And sure enough, WAAF radio host Greg Hill pressed Forbes on his qualifications.

9.   And there was even more dismal news for former Vice President Dan Quayle, who ranked eighth behind Alan Keyes, a radio talk show host.

10.   And there are radio talk show hosts who are claiming a key role in the drive to bring down Foley.

n. + host >>共 169
radio 23.25%
talk-show 22.74%
television 6.05%
show 4.51%
summit 3.58%
talk 3.24%
play 2.30%
guest 1.87%
talk-radio 1.87%
game-show 1.62%
radio + n. >>共 387
station 29.37%
report 7.58%
show 4.63%
broadcast 3.67%
interview 3.31%
address 3.21%
contact 2.67%
program 2.28%
host 2.01%
signal 1.63%
每页显示:    共 271