1.   The need to use range-Doppler methods is obviated where radar equipment is carried near to a planet by means of a spacecraft.

2.   Although Massport owns the land on Governors Island where it sits, the FAA owns and operates the radar equipment.

3.   After meeting several U.S. senators on Thursday, Ramirez said Colombia wanted the money to buy more military helicopters, interceptor planes and radar equipment.

4.   Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nadezhda Mihailova said NATO should give his government sophisticated radar equipment.

5.   For instance, in addition to its hotel, natural resources, insurance and information services businesses, ITT Corp. makes electronics and radar equipment.

6.   He said his government was negotiating with Clinton administration officials to purchase additional radar equipment.

7.   It was packed with secret eavesdropping and radar equipment that was only partly destroyed by the crew in the frantic moments after they landed.

8.   Its products are being used to upgrade submarine sonar systems and are being built into some aircraft radar equipment.

9.   Its products range from radar equipment and missile navigation systems to spacecraft electronics and broadcasting equipment.

10.   Separately, Clinton apparently won a pledge from Barak to not go ahead immediately with the proposed sale of advanced airborne radar equipment to China.

n. + equipment >>共 808
communication 5.79%
telecommunication 5.60%
computer 5.14%
office 3.82%
safety 2.97%
construction 2.53%
high-tech 1.97%
farm 1.90%
surveillance 1.87%
capital 1.44%
radar 0.90%
radar + n. >>共 220
screen 19.14%
system 15.46%
station 5.86%
gun 4.15%
site 3.79%
plane 3.22%
equipment 2.75%
installation 2.65%
datum 2.54%
detector 2.07%
每页显示:    共 53