1.   Also notable in the large cast, playing wicked aristocrats with quiet glee, are Peter Cook and Eleanor Bron.

2.   Bosnian Muslims expressed quiet glee over the bombardment of Serbs in neighboring Croatia Friday, but U.N. officials warned that fighting and refugees may spill back into Bosnia.

3.   Bosnian Muslims expressed quiet glee over the bombardment of Serbs in neighboring Croatia on Friday, but U.N. officials warned that fighting and refugees may spill back into Bosnia.

4.   Bosnian Muslims expressed quiet glee over the bombardment of Serbs in neighboring Croatia today, but U.N. officials warned that fighting and refugees may spill back into Bosnia.

a. + glee >>共 105
great 4.83%
malicious 3.45%
unrestrained 3.45%
quiet 2.76%
childlike 2.07%
obvious 2.07%
wicked 2.07%
childish 1.38%
evident 1.38%
anarchic 1.38%
quiet + n. >>共 1155
life 3.14%
street 2.67%
day 2.45%
man 2.25%
moment 1.71%
neighborhood 1.68%
place 1.66%
time 1.62%
period 1.53%
diplomacy 1.50%
glee 0.09%
每页显示:    共 4