1.   Why then do their minds go blank as soon as they turn over the question paper?

2.   The examination will start when all the question papers have been handed out.

3.   Question papers are set and moderated by specialists in each subject area.

4.   We use multiple choice question papers in physics too.

5.   The committee also detected extreme negligence of duty by the BG Press officials and employees as one of the major causes for the leakage of question papers.

6.   A teenager was allegedly killed by his schoolmates for complaining that a question paper for the maths examination had been leaked, the Asian Age newspaper reported Monday.

n. + paper >>共 533
court 17.28%
identity 8.10%
ballot 7.29%
identification 3.90%
morning 3.47%
parchment 3.44%
research 2.69%
divorce 1.48%
policy 1.45%
non-stick 1.18%
question 0.16%
question + n. >>共 197
remains 9.44%
period 8.33%
people 3.06%
session 3.06%
paper 1.67%
answer 1.39%
worth 1.39%
concern 1.11%
aside 1.11%
came 1.11%
每页显示:    共 6