1.   Interchangeable with queso fresco.

2.   Just before serving, drizzle heated chile sauce decoratively over the sides, then drizzle crema over the top and finally sprinkle on the crumbled queso fresco.

3.   The queso fresco, a delicious, crumbly Mexican cheese that is available at many supermarkets, gets a slightly astringent note from fresh marjoram.

4.   Topped with crumbly queso fresco and chopped cilantro, it also makes a great dinner with refried black beans on the side.

5.   Tightly wrapped, queso fresco or blanco will keep a month in the refrigerator.

6.   While the tortillas are hot, sprinkle crumbled queso fresco on top.

7.   You can substitute Monterey Jack for the queso fresco.

8.   You can find queso fresco and canned chipotle peppers in larger supermarkets and Latin American markets.

n. + fresco >>共 13
al 38.24%
queso 23.53%
wall 8.82%
eleventh-century 2.94%
esparragos 2.94%
hasthe 2.94%
love 2.94%
modem 2.94%
nymph 2.94%
palace 2.94%
queso + n. >>共 11
fresco 34.78%
blanco 13.04%
cheese 13.04%
fry 8.70%
contest 4.35%
cotija 4.35%
feta 4.35%
menonita 4.35%
pollo 4.35%
salsa 4.35%
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