1.   In their idleness, they pursue romance but all in the wrong directions.

2.   Presley returns as promised, and Juanico becomes a local celebrity when he rents a house in town to pursue their romance.

3.   Peterson had crisscrossed the hemisphere, pursuing Internet romance, finding new connections to his family heritage and developing a fascination with all things Hispanic.

4.   Prosecutors say Neulander arranged the murder so he could pursue a romance with Philadelphia radio personality Elaine Soncini.

v. + romance >>共 161
find 7.59%
have 6.96%
rekindle 4.43%
begin 3.16%
lose 2.22%
add 1.90%
end 1.90%
spark 1.90%
keep 1.27%
pursue 1.27%
pursue + n. >>共 1168
case 5.31%
career 3.70%
policy 2.73%
charge 2.25%
interest 2.22%
matter 1.80%
goal 1.70%
claim 1.60%
dream 1.39%
action 1.28%
romance 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4